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Home Household Moves

Household Moves

Moving allowances for new hires are paid through Payroll directly to the employee. Moving expenses paid by the university are taxable to the employee and subject to the applicable tax withholding.
Payroll has a Moving Allowance Payment Form for this purpose. Please contact your Payroll Specialist if you have any questions.  (See policy and procedure links below)

New hires are not required to use a specific vendor but we highly recommend you use Suddath.

Learn More About Suddath

The university has established a contract agreement with Suddath to provide favorable terms, conditions and moving rates for use by new hires at your option, risk and expense. Suddath has provided a University of Utah link to start the quote process for your household move.

The Purchasing Department does not require documentation of any new hire move.

Moving Allowances
(Additional Compensation Policy)
5-403 Policy
Moving Allowances
P5-403I Procedure